  • SlimWhey™

    It’s about time that women have a nutritional protein drink designed for them! SlimWhey™ is a lean protein drink that is scientifically engineered to promote lean muscle growth and support muscle recovery. What’s more, SlimWhey’s™ cutting edge formula includes a carefully crafted Tone & Trim Matrix designed to supercharge your metabolism & assist in healthy weight loss. Each serving of SlimWhey™ is loaded with: Whey Protein Peptides – This form of whey is predigested, which results in faster absorption and release of amino acids into the blood stream. This rapidly sparks muscle protein synthesis when consumed after exercise and leads to muscle repair and rebuilding. Whey Protein Isolate – Whey protein isolates digest and absorb rapidly and are, gram for gram, the most refined and purest form of protein (90-98% pure protein). GlycoCarn® and L-Carnitine Tartrate – Without Carnitine, fats cannot be metabolized, so SLIM WHEY™ uses 2 specialized forms of Carnitine to escort body fats into the mitochondria to be broken down. Medium Chain Triglycerides – While Carnitine takes the vast majority of fats to meet their maker, MCTs get there all on their own – no assistance required, leaving more Carnitine to dispose of body fat. CLA – Verified time and time again by rigorous scientific research to activate mechanisms preliminary to thermogenesis and fat oxidation, while simultaneously showing the capacity to aid muscle development. Supplementing with SlimWhey™ on a daily basis provides nutritional support for lean muscle tissue, fat loss, and recovery. When building muscle while simultaneously losing fat is your main goal there is only one way to go….the SlimWhey™! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • AlphaCutz Thermogenic Skin Gel

    Fat – we all have those trouble spots. It could be your spare tire around your belly, or maybe some region that only seems to be affecting you (who put fat there?) If only there was a product to directly address those areas that my eyes are glued to every time I look in the mirror – just roll it on and forget about it. Well now there is! MuscleSport International is proud to present you with a fat-busting, rule-breaking formulated skin gel that is chock full of evidence-based ingredients ensured to attack the cellulite at its roots – AlphaCutz! • Caffeine – Adrenaline-fueled breakdown and elimination of fatty acids • Carnitine – Drives fatty acids into the “furnace” of the cell: mitochondria • Iodine – Improves the action and function of your thyroid hormones to enhance fat metabolism • Escin – Proven topical venotonic: vasoprotective, vasocontrictive, and anti-inflammatory; reduces causes of cellulite such as swelling, edema, and tissue damage • Glycyl-histidyl-lysine: Topical use can tighten loose skin and improve skin remodeling This amazing combination of ingredients attacks body fat in numerous ways. Metabolism enhancers result in increased breakdown, transport, and elimination of fats – the three components needed to be effective. Venotonics ensure that the microcirculation (which tends to be limited in fat tissue) is working optimally. This allows nutrients in to feed the skin, and pro-oxidants and xenobiotics out (that would normally cause damage). Skin remodelers round out the formulation, so that you have an all-in-one fat-blaster/skin rejuvenator! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • D-Aspartic Acid

    D-ASPARTIC ACID Revolution™ is our raw, unflavored D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) formula. DAA works in the central brain region to cause a release of hormones, such as luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and growth hormone. It may also build up in the testicles, where it alleviates a rate-limiting step of testosterone synthesis. All of this can support: • Increases in bodily testosterone levels • Increases in lean muscle mass • Decreases in fat mass • Faster recovery times • A healthy libido D-ASPARTIC ACID Revolution™ can be used as a testosterone booster for infertile men, and by athletes as a temporary booster. In fact a 2012 study discovered that men who took DAA for 90 days were able to increase testosterone concentrations in serum by 30-60%. Stack D-ASPARTIC ACID Revolution™ with MuscleSport creatine, IBCAAs, and glutamine for your muscle building and recovery goals. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • Glutamine Complex

  • H2O Revolution™

    Are you holding a that bit of subcutaneous water that you just can’t get rid of? Are you getting ready for a photo shoot? A competition? Or just don’t want to have that bloated look going to the beach or a wedding? If so H2O Revolution™ is right up your alley. Many water reduction pills on the market deplete ALL water from the body. This means it will come out of your muscle as well as subcutaneously. When this happens the muscles will appear flatter and you won’t look as good even WITHOUT the subcutaneous water. H2O Revolution™ will assist in pulling out subcutaneous water under the skin. This will allow you to keep your curves and muscular fullness while being able to see it better without the bloat blurring your lines! A look at a few key ingredients in H2O Revolution™ will show you why. Dandelion Root Extract – A time tested and proven diuretic that increases urinary expulsion and eliminates excess water. Caffeine Anhydrous, Yerba Matte, & Green Tea – These ingredients not only acts as potent thermogenics but also effective diuretics (water eliminating). Asparagus Extract – Often used with lots of fluids as “irrigation therapy” to increase urine output. Uva-Ursi Root – Helps to tighten upper layers of the mucous membrane – relieving irritation and improving tissue firmness. Juniper Extract – Acts as a diuretic by increasing glomerular filtration rate. Bar none H2O Revolution™ is the #1 water depletion tool on the market. Using a matrix that combines the industries top herbal diuretics, H2O Revolution™ will help remove subcutaneous water from in between your muscles to help you achieve that ripped, dry look. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • KetoShred Stack™

  • OMEGA Core

  • BCAA NRG Revolution™

    Building muscle is like building a house. Obviously, time and effort play a big role but so do materials. You can’t build a mansion from a wagon full of bricks, and you can’t have epic mass without a substantial amount of muscle building blocks – amino acids. The branched-chain amino acids are unique because they are both the material and the signal for building muscle, and the high levels of BCAAs in BCAA Revolution NRG maximally stimulate protein synthesis while the other ingredients make this amino formula the best on the market! Branched Chain Amino Acids – The BCAAs are the functional components of protein – the reason protein builds muscle. Isolating them gives you all the anabolic power without the calories while reducing gastrointestinal stress. Glutamine Peptides – Glutamine is used in numerous bodily processes, including muscle anabolism, gluconeogenesis, nutrient absorption, and immunity. Beta-Alanine – Buffers blood acids to squeeze out more reps and enhance endurance. L-Carnitine Tartrate and Glycocarn – Without Carnitine, fats cannot be metabolized. With two different forms, fat metabolism is enhanced while simultaneously reducing muscle damage and promoting recovery! Caffeine Anhydrous – Enhances focus, boosts aerobic capacity, and promotes fat-burning! If you want to get big, you need to get some BCAAs. BCAA Revolution NRG gives you all that and more. Keep your body in an anabolic state, and keep pushing your limits in the gym. Recovery, energy, and performance – BCAA Revolution NRG does it all! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • BCAA – Apple Juice
